
Welcome to the TAICEP Wiki – Beta Version!


At long last, we are ready to launch the beta version of our TAICEP wiki, an exclusive benefit for TAICEP members with active memberships. Many hands, hearts and brains have contributed to the wiki development, and they have brought us to this point where we are ready for your contributions. The utility of this wiki will wonderfully grow as you all submit additions to us over the coming months and years. Imagine an information source shared by the entire credential evaluation community! 

Included in the wiki development is a newly developed and reconfigured institution database, you’ll also find Verification Sources For Educational Documents have been moved to the wiki – if they are institution specific, you’ll find them in the institution database (under TAICEP Tools). If they are country specific, you’ll find them one the country pages.

Please navigate around all sections of the wiki and become familiar with it. There will be some learning hurdles and glitches to discover and fix. All contributions and well-intentioned feedback should be sent to wiki@taicep.org for consideration and approval by our wiki administrators.  

To access the wiki,

  1.  Please logon to the www.taicep.org website first. 
  2. Then, go to the wiki site at Home | TAICEP Wiki.
  3. Select TAICEP Members (Auth0 SSO).

On the Home page, there is a brief recorded Wiki Demo walking you through all its features thus far.

Remember we are just at the beginning of this wiki. We are very excited to see how the wiki will evolve!  


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